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Manage Reports

When you open a report and change any view settings, you can save that report view or schedule it to be delivered to you. On the More Reports screen, you can view all your reports, including saved views and scheduled reports, and you can pin specific reports to your left menu bar.

Note: Any modifications you make to reports will only be reflected for your user and not all account users.

Access More Reports

Each report on the More Reports screen has a name with a corresponding Description of what the report displays.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → Reports → More Reports.

  2. On the More Reports screen, hover over a report to do the following:

    • To add or remove the report from your left navigation menu, select Pin or Unpin.

    • To modify view settings, select View to open the report, adjust the filters according to your preferences, and select Save next to the report heading.

    • Learn how to save, schedule, download, and export reports via API to always have the latest data for your account and programs.

  3. Select Build Report in the upper-right corner to create a custom report using Data Lab.

  4. Select Category to filter reports by a specific category, e.g., Performance, Finance, or Custom reports.

    • Alternatively, enter a report name in the search bar field to find a specific report.

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