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Performance Bonus FAQ

Use a performance bonus to add higher payout rates (or extra payouts) to your contracts that can incentivize your partners to drive more revenue or actions for your program.

  • A performance bonus is specified in your template terms and is linked to an event type.

  • You can review your performance bonus payouts at any time in the Finance section of the platform.

What happens when I add a performance bonus to an active contract?

If you add a performance bonus to active template terms, all partners signed to the contract will be notified and prompted to accept your new terms. After the change notification period, any previously signed partners will be added to the contract automatically.

How do performance bonuses affect payouts?

When creating tiers for your performance bonus, the difference between the template term's Default Payout and the performance bonus's Default Payout you set for a tier will be the performance bonus a partner receives. The template term's Default Payout does not change when a performance bonus tier is reached—the total payout changes.

How are performance bonuses calculated? calculates the final performance bonus on a monthly cadence for locked actions. Determining when a performance bonus is generated depends on the locking period specified on the contract. Additionally, pads 3 days to allow for any delays in the system, processing, etc.

Default payout vs. total payout

Remember that the performance bonus rule does not change the default payout—the total payout changes.

Can you give an example, please?

Certainly! Partner A signs a contract that offers a default payout of 4% per online sale/CPA order, and a two-tier performance bonus that increases the payout for actions past each tier:

  • If revenue reaches $200, default payout will be 6% per order

  • If revenue reaches $400, default payout will be 8% per order

In a given month, Partner A drives $500 worth of revenue, which means they qualify for both performance bonus tiers. All of the actions that drove up the $199 revenue amount are paid at 4%, actions between $200 and $399 qualify for a performance bonus of 2% payout (so 6% total payout), and actions past the $400 revenue amount qualify for a performance bonus of 4% payout (so 8% in total payout).

If Partner A had actions reversed during the pending period that dropped them under $400 of revenue, they would only qualify for the additional 2% on orders.

Additional resources

To learn more about adding a performance bonus to a contract or viewing payouts and reports, view the following articles:

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