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Get a Content Syndication's Code

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Content angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu]Content Syndication.

    • This option will only be available if at least one of your partnered brands has a Content Syndication set up. Refer to Request a Content Syndication learn how to request your 1st Content Syndication.

  2. Find the Syndication you want, then select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [More]Get code.

    • You can see the asset's landing page by selecting View landing page at the top of the screen.

    • You can also see if you can set up deep linking for the asset and see if the landing page is responsive to mobile device screens.

  3. Optionally, customize the Syndication's code. To do so, select Customize code . You can make up to 2 customizations.

    • You can add Sub IDs or a Shared ID parameter. Learn more about these parameters.

    • You can also serve this asset securely, which changes the asset's URL protocol to https://.

    • If you make any customizations, select Generate Custom Code to update the asset's code.

  4. To copy the entire HTML code for the asset, select Copy to clipboard.

  5. To copy just the tracking link, copy the link under Tracking Link.

  6. Place the asset code or tracking link on your website.


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