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Configure a Performance Campaign

Note: This functionality is in beta. Contact your CSM or our support team if you'd like to test this feature.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Engage] [Engage] → Campaign Manager → Performance.

  2. In the upper-right corner of the screen, select Create Campaign.

  3. On the Create Campaign screen, complete each section of the checklist.

    • Select Next to access the next steps of the checklist.

    Campaign Overview

    Field name



    Name your campaign using 100 characters or less.

    • Recommended: Share your love for organic beauty with Acme's giveaway!

    • Not recommended: Acme campaign.


    Describe your campaign. This description will be visible to partners, be sure to include engaging copy.

    Cover Image

    Upload a suitable cover image in .JPG, JPEG, or .PNG format for your campaign.


    Select [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu] to choose your campaign goal, e.g., Product Launch.


    Set the total amount you want to spend on your campaign.

    The set budget is not a commitment or limit. You can spend less than or exceed your budget.

    Desired partner hire count

    Specify the total number of partners you want to hire for your campaign.

    The set partner count is not a commitment or limit. You can use the count as a guideline to meet hiring goals.


    Select [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu] to choose your campaign categories, e.g., Travel.

    You can find campaigns by searching and filtering by category. A campaign may have multiple categories.

    Campaign Community Manager

    Assign your campaign to an account user responsible for this campaign.

    Other account users can still interact with a campaign.

    Eligibility and Compensation

    Field name & description

    Who is eligible for this campaign?

    Specify which partners you want to work with:

    • All marketplace partners and my joined partners: Make the campaign available to all partners in the marketplace and those who have joined your program.

    • My joined partners: Work with any of your joined partners.

    • Specific partners: Enter the names of specific partners and select their names from the drop-down list to make the campaign available to them.

    • Joined partners from my groups: Make the campaign available to partners from your created groups.

    Who we're looking for

    Describe the type of partner with whom you want to work.


    You can reward partners a fixed amount, or based on their performance. These compensation methods can also be combined.



    Flat fee

    Reward partners with a fixed payment amount for completing campaign tasks.

    • Partner bids: Allow the partner to suggest a flat fee rate. You can review applications and accept or reject bids at your discretion.

    • I define: Set the flat fee. Optionally, allow partners to negotiate the rate.


    The performance-based payment option rewards partners for driving traffic that results in conversions (online sales).

    Performance-based compensation is only available for campaigns if you have at least one validated online sale event type under the program.

    • Pay joined partners' existing payout rates: Use this option to leverage your existing public template terms and contracts.

    • Pay a specific payout rate for this campaign: Use this option to create a custom performance-based payout for this campaign without needing to change existing terms or contracts. Use a percentage/fixed payout of <amount> per order/per item.

    Content Rights

    Field name


    Usage Rights

    Optionally, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] to request specific usage rights for all content generated for this campaign.

    Learn more about the content usage rights.

    Start Date

    Specify the trigger that signifies the start of usage rights for the campaign content:

    • When content is published/goes live

    • When the final assets are delivered


    Specify the period of time you will have usage rights on the content for this campaign.

    • Optionally, Allow partners to negotiate start date and duration of the content usage rights.

    • Optionally, Allow partners to negotiate usage rights, that is, the type of usage rights.


    Optionally, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] to restrict partners from working with any competitors for a specific timeframe.

    • Optionally, Allow partners to negotiate this exclusivity clause.

    Brand Access

    Optionally, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] and specify dates for which you want access to your hired partners' content.

    • Optionally, Allow partners to negotiate this brand access clause.


    Field name & description

    Placement Timeline

    Optionally, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] to set a timeframe for task completion. Select either Absolute Dates by which the partner must submit content, or Relative Dates that require the partner to submit tasks within a set time after hire or task creation.

    • Hire means the date the partner is hired to the campaign. If you select this option and then add tasks to the campaign post-hire, then will use the partner's original hire date to calculate the new task's due date.

      Example: You select a relative due date of 1 month after hire. You hire a partner on October 1, so the due date for their initial tasks is calculated as November 1. If you assign more tasks to this partner on October 15, the new tasks will also be due on November 1 because you picked the date of hire as the date from which calculates relative due dates.

    • Task creation means the date a new task is added to the campaign, regardless of when you hired the partner. If you select this option and then add tasks to the campaign post-hire, then will use the new task's creation date to determine when it is due.

      Example: You select a relative due date of 1 month after task creation. You hire a partner on October 1. The due date for their initial tasks is calculated as November 1 because the hire date is currently the same as the task creation date. If you assign more tasks to this partner on October 15, the new tasks will be due on November 15 because you picked the date of task creation as the date from which calculates relative due dates.

    For either option, you can then select dates or time periods for each of the following:

    • Draft deadline

    • Post window

    • Metrics deadline (Specify the date when the final deliverable’s metrics are due. This only applies to rare scenarios where the partner's social accounts aren't connected to

    Note: If you disable the task timeline, partners can keep participating in your campaign and submit content until you end it.


    Choose whether you or the partners define the tasks:

    • Select [Radio button] [Radio button] Partner defines if you want partners to define their own tasks during the negotiation phase.

    • Select [Radio button] [Radio button] I define to define task specifications for partners to complete by the deadline in order to be paid.

    Add a task

    Proceed with these instructions if you opt to define your own tasks.

    1. Select [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu] to specify a placement type.

    2. Complete the information associated with each placement. E.g., content type, and detailed instructions.

      Note: If you select Dedicated Video as a YouTube-related placement type, you'll also need to provide the video length. Video lengths can be inputted in numeric minute increments. For example, if your video is 1 hour long, input 60 (for 60 minutes).

    3. Select the checkboxes to define the task further:

      • Require draft approval: Select this option if you want to review a partner's post before they post it.

      • Require link in bio: Partners are required to add a link in the profile section of their social media page. Link instructions are required when this option is selected.

      • Recurring task: This option applies when partners post on a daily, weekly, or monthly cadence without specific due dates. You can specify the number of repeats and the duration for your selected cadence. E.g., Weekly tasks that repeat every 5 weeks. The Cadence duration is required when this option is selected.

    4. Select [Add] [Add Task] to add more tasks to the brief.

    5. Optionally, Allow partners to negotiate their tasks.

    Task types and examples

    Task type

    Task example

    Onsite / In App Content

    Create a listicle highlighting the top five benefits of our {product}, incorporating engaging visuals and a call-to-action to encourage in-app purchases.

    Onsite / In App Placements and Ads

    Create a banner ad for our {product} to be placed on the website's homepage, ensuring it captures attention and includes a strong call-to-action.


    Create a visually engaging advertisement for our {product} to be featured prominently in next week’s newsletter.

    Publish on Instagram

    Publish a 3-frame story on Instagram that requires draft approval, and include a link in your bio to our product for 24 hours.

    Publish on Facebook

    Publish a Facebook reel that requires draft approval post and tag {Company name} in the post.

    Publish on Pinterest

    Upload an idea pin using one of the provided images and add a link to the description.

    Publish on YouTube

    Include a 10-second insert in your video mentioning {product name} and add a link in the description.

    Publish on Twitch

    Include a 5-second insert in your broadcast to mention {product name} and include a link in the description.

    Publish on TikTok

    Include a 5-second outro in your video to mention {product name} and include a handle and hashtag in your description.

    Publish on Snapchat

    Create a snap and add it to your story.

    Create offline content

    Create a video using {product} for television commercial purposes.

    Custom task

    Attend a movie premier and create an Instagram story with 10 frames.

    Content Guidelines

    Specify any special instructions or guidelines for the partner's content. E.g., No other logos should be visible.

    Handles to Use

    Optionally, specify any handles partners should tag in their content.

    Hashtags to Use

    Optionally, specify any hashtags partners should use in their content.


    Optionally, upload up to 10 images of example content, or images that would act as inspiration for the partners.

    Only JPEG, JPG, and PNG file formats are supported. The maximum file size is 2.7MB.

    Additional documents

    Optionally, add up to 5 documents with additional information about the campaign. Select [Checked box] [Checkbox] Restrict visibility to hired partners only to restrict these files to hired partners. Leave this box unchecked if you want prospective partners to see the files.

    PDF, PPTX, PPT, DOC, DOCX, TXT, XLS, XLSX, HTML, HTM, ODT, ODS, PNG, JPG, and JPEG file formats are supported. The maximum file size is 2.7MB.

    Note: If you're unable to proceed to the next screen, then double-check that you've included link instructions for any tasks requiring a link in bio or a cadence duration for any tasks that are recurring.

    • Optionally, [Toggle on] [Toggle on] Click and conversion tracking if you are using performance-based compensation for this campaign. When partners generate their tracking links, you can specify the page(s) to which they will drive traffic or you can have them drive traffic to any page on your website that they choose.

      • Partners drive traffic to landing pages they choose

      • Partners drive traffic to specific landing pages I choose (This option enables you to add multiple specific landing pages.)

      • Partners drive traffic to my program's default landing page (This option allows you to use your regular program defaults for partner campaign-related links.)


    Review the campaign details specified in the previous sections to see if you're happy with the outcome.

  4. Once you're done reviewing the campaign, you can Publish or Save as draft.

    • Publish: The campaign is live and partners can apply immediately.

    • Save as draft: The campaign is not live; you can edit and publish the campaign at a later stage.


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