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Tracking Efficacy Report

The Tracking Efficacy Report gives you a view of the effectiveness of your tracking and can help you identify areas that can be improved. Initiated clicks occur when a user clicks on an ad with a tracking link and attributable clicks are recorded when tracking loads on the landing page, and those clicks become attributable with first-party tracking. The difference between the number of initiated and attributable clicks shows the overall tracking efficacy.

Any discrepancy between initiated to attributable clicks is a missed tracking opportunity, but there can be multiple reasons, some of which can be identified and controlled for by intervention, and some of which are expected but should still be acknowledged. Learn more about the causes of tracking loss.

Warning: This report only applies to implementations using Universal Tracking Tag or Page Load API on landing pages. If you conditionally execute's tracking implementations on your landing pages, this measure will likely be negatively affected.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select ReportsMore Reports.

  2. Under More Reports, select Tracking as the category filter next to the search bar.

  3. Scroll through the list, find and select Tracking Efficacy Benchmark.

  4. Adjust filters to suit your needs and select search-solid.svg [Search].

    • See the Filter reference section below for more information on the filters.

    Filter reference



    Date range

    Filter for a specific date range of data. Select a minimum of 30 days to get statistically significant insights.

    Group By: Select a metric by which to group the data.




    Select None to see tracking efficacy for the program as a whole.


    Select Ad to see the efficacy variations by an ad.


    Select Partner to look for variations in efficacy by partner to isolate potential integration or quality issues.

    Shared Id

    Look for variations in efficacy by Shared Id to isolate potential integration or quality issues within a partner’s sources.

    Referring Domain

    Review efficacy by domain to aid partner conversations.


    See which countries track most effectively to aid optimization decisions.


    See which platforms provide the highest tracking opportunities.


    Isolate browsers where tracking may not be performing optimally.

    Landing Page

    Identify landing pages on your website that may have tracking implementation issues.

    Include Datacenter Clicks

    Select Yes or No to include datacenter click data. Select No to filter out clicks originating from datacenters to help remove non-human traffic and provide a more accurate view of tracking loss.

    Include Mobile Fallback Clicks

    Select Yes or No to include mobile fallback data. If you are promoting web and mobile events there will be no page load event to measure, so selecting No will give you a more accurate measure. However, if you are tracking a mobile app with the Page Load API, you can select Yes.

    Minimum Initiated Click Count

    Select All or enter a numeric value, in which case your report will only contain the selected values.


    Select All or select a partner, in which case your report will only contain data for the selected partner.

    Tracking Loss

    Select All or select specific tracking loss levels to include data for the selected tracking loss levels in your report.


    Select All or enter a country name, in which case your report will only contain data for the selected country.


    Select All or select an ad, in which case your report will only contain data for the selected ad.


Access the report data

You can view the report data as a trend graph or table.

The trend graph enables you to filter your report according to the core group of metrics that drive the highest value. This view provides the selected metric’s daily trends over a specific date range.

  1. Select the angle-down-solid.svg [Drop-down menu] in the upper-right corner, then, choose a specific metric.

  2. Alternate between the line, bar, and treemap views by selecting the view icon.


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