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Manage Your Inbox as a Brand

This article will explain how to manage your inbox, by exploring how to prioritize messages, filter by partner relationship statuses and more.

  1. From the bottom left navigation bar, select comment-regular.svg [Inbox].

  2. Manage your inbox by filtering and marking messages with various statuses.

Set message thread statuses

You can set message statuses, like Priority, Unread, or Spam when talking to a specific partner.

Message Status


Mark as Priority 8679217_vip_crown_king_icon.svg

You can mark which contacts will show in your inbox’s Priority view, allowing you to highlight the conversations that are more important to you.

Mark as unread 9855494_unread_message_letter_mail_icon__1_.svg

You can mark a message thread as unread. This thread will generate a notification until the next timeone of your account users open it.

Mark as spam 387524___character_math_question_sign_icon.svg

You can move a message thread to spam. You will no longer receive notifications from this message thread.

Search for or filter your message threads
  • You can search for a specific partner's message thread by using the search bar at the top of the widget or in the top-left corner of your Inbox.

  • You can only filter for specific kinds of message threads from your Inbox. Filter for message threads by selecting 9458789_ecommerce_slider_filter_settings_parameters_icon.svg [Filter] next to the search bar, selecting what filters you want to use, then selecting Apply.

Filter reference




Filter by for all spammed messages. These are messages you have marked as spam.


Choose the partner relationships (e.g., Joined) for which you want to view message threads.

Partner Size

Select which partner size(s) you want to view message threads for. (e.g., Large)

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