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Configure a Data Download Connection

Connectors are a system for all batch data file transfers between and brands, partners, or other parties. Each connection (an individual connector) has certain attributes, such as the data type (clicks, conversions, product catalogs, etc.), direction (inbound or outbound), method (SFTP, FTP, Email), and more.

The Connector Wizard allows you to set up connections to other platforms so that can automatically batch process the data to deliver enriched data to your systems.

Create an outbound connection

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. On the left, under AccountTechnical, select Connections.

  3. Select Create Connection in the top right to access the Connector wizard.

    Connector terminology




    Provide a name that describes the connection. (E.g., Download Aggregate Performance Data.).

    Date Type

    The type of data this connection processes (E.g., conversion data, action modifications, etc.).


    The direction of the data that this connection supports: Inbound is data coming into, Outbound is data going out of to another platform.


    The transfer method this connection uses, (E.g., FTP, SFTP, or Email.).


    The transfer methodology. Inbound connections support “Push to Impact” and “Pull from 3rd Party”. Outbound connections support “Pull from Impact”.

    Connection Details

    The connection details that will be required is dependant on a combination of the chosen Direction, Method and Methodology.

    In some cases the you will need to provide details and in other cases will provide the details.

    Note: Read more about how to Give data to

Recieve data from

Step 1: Direction
  1. Enter the connection name and select the Direction of the data.

  2. Select the dot-circle-regular.svg [Radio Button] to Receive data from

  3. Select Next to continue.

Step 2: Type
  1. Select the type of data that the connection will support: Performance Bonus Detail or Reports.

  2. Select Next to continue.

Step 3: Method
  1. The Method will be selected for you: SFTP. You can change this if needed.

  2. The Methodology will be selected for you: Pull from

  3. Select Next to continue.

Step 4: Credentials
  1. Either select existing credentials from the dropdown, Edit Existing Credentials or Create New Credentials.

    • If you're creating new credentials, enter a name for the credentials that describes its use case. E.g., Download aggregate performance data for Olivia Sutton, then select either Public Key or Password. If you choose Password, the values will be populated for you.

  2. Select Next to continue.

Step 5: Review
  1. Finally, review the configuration and then select Create to create the connection.

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