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Modify or Reverse Items in an Action via API

In addition to modifying and reversing actions, allows you to modify and reverse the item-level details of an action.

Note allows a maximum of 1000 modifications per action. If you need to make further modifications thereafter, contact support.

Modify items in an action via API

If you're tracking at the item level (i.e., passing item data when reporting conversions), you can use the API to modify the quantity or reported revenue amount of items within an action.

To modify items in an action, you'll need:

  • The ActionId of the action.

  • The Reason for updating the action (when modifying items in action, always submit ORDER_UPDATE).

  • The Sku of the item(s) to be modified (can be found when retrieving an action via API).

  • The new Quantity value for the item.

  • The new revenue Amount value for the item — only include this in the call if this value is changing (e.g., the reported item revenue amount was reported incorrectly).

Once you have all these values, see the example calls below to learn how to modify an item within an action.

Example calls & response

curl '{AccountSID}/Actions' \ -X PUT \ -u '{AccountSID}:{AuthToken}' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -d 'ActionId={ActionId}' \ -d 'Sku={Sku}' \ -d 'Quantity={Quantity}' \ -d 'Reason=ORDER_UPDATE' \
Example response

{ "Status": "QUEUED", "QueuedUri": "/Advertisers/{AccountSID}/APISubmissions/A-86b9-56992f50eefe"}
Parameter reference


Your account's API account ID value. Learn how to find this value.


Your account's API authorization token value. Learn how to find this value.


The ID value of the action to be modified.


The stock-keeping unit value of the item — this can be found when retrieving an action via API.


The new quantity value for the item.


When reversing or modifying an item, always submit ORDER_UPDATE as the reason.


The new revenue amount value for the item.

Reverse items in an action via API

If you're tracking at the item-level (i.e., passing item data when reporting conversions), you can use the API to reverse one or more item by setting Quantity to 0.

To reverse items in an action, you'll need:

  • The ActionId of the action.

  • The Reason for updating the action (when reversing items in action, always submit ORDER_UPDATE).

  • The Sku of the item(s) to be reversed (can be found when retrieving an action via API).

  • The new Quantity value for the item — in this case, 0

Once you have all of these values, see the example call below to learn how to reverse items in an action.

Example call & response

curl '{AccountSID}/Actions' \ -X PUT \ -u '{AccountSID}:{AuthToken}' \ -H 'Accept: application/json' \ -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ -d 'ActionId={ActionId}' \ -d 'Sku={Sku}' \ -d 'Quantity=0' \ -d 'Reason=ORDER_UPDATE'
Example response

{ "Status": "QUEUED", "QueuedUri": "/Advertisers/{AccountSID}/APISubmissions/A-86b9-56992f50eefe"}
Parameter reference


Your account's API account ID value. Learn how to find this value.


Your account's API authorization token value. Learn how to find this value.


The ID value of the action to be modified.


The stock-keeping unit value of the item — this can be found when retrieving an action via API.


The new quantity value for the item.


When reversing or modifying an item, always submit ORDER_UPDATE as the reason.

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