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Performance by Day for Partners

The Performance by Day report for partners shows you a wide range of tracking data broken down by day. KPIs, like actions, clicks, and more, can all be found here.

Manage the report

  1. From the top navigation bar, select ReportsMore Reports.

  2. From the Category filter next to the search bar, select Performance.

  3. Select Performance by Day.

    • You can also pin the report to the top navigation bar by hovering over the row and selecting Pin.

  4. Below the report title, filter for the data you want to view. Select [Search] [Search] when you have the filters in place that you want.

    • View the Filter reference table below for more information.

    • You can use the icons at the top-right of the page to [Email] \ [Schedule] [Schedule], [Download] [Download] in PDF, Excel, or CSV format, or [Export] [Export] the report via API.

Access the report data

You can view the report data as a trend graph or table and compare certain metrics.

The trend graph enables you to filter your report according to the core group of metrics that drives the highest value. This view provides the selected metric’s daily trends over a specific date range.

  1. Select the [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu] in the upper-right corner, then, choose a specific metric.

  2. Alternate between the line, bar, and treemap views by selecting the view icon.

Filter reference



Date Range

You can pull a maximum of 366 days of data.


Select the specific program(s) for which you want to view performance data.


Set the currency in which you want to view report data. will convert the amounts to your selected currency.


Add data from a large selection of choices. These data points will get added to the table report under the graph after you select [Search] [Search].

Data points explained

Data point


Sortable Date

Add this column to your report and you will be able to sort the column from earliest to latest date and vice versa.

Sales Metrics

This includes your Sale CR (Sale conversion rate—the number of sales divided by the number of clicks), Sale EPA (Earnings per sale action—Sale earnings divided by the number of sale actions), and Sale EPC (Earnings per unique click—Sale earnings divided by the number of unique clicks) metrics.

Lead Metrics

This includes your Lead CR (Lead conversion rate—the number of leads divided by the number of clicks), Lead EPA (Earnings per lead action—Earnings associated with lead actions divided by the number of lead actions), and Lead EPC (Earnings per unique click—Earnings associated with lead actions divided by the number of unique clicks).

Call Metrics

This includes the Calls (The number of tracked calls), Converted Calls (The number of call actions—pay-per-ring, pay-per-duration, and pay-per-call conversions, excluding reversed actions), and Call Earnings (Earnings associated with converted call actions) metrics.

Mobile Install Metrics

This includes the number of mobile install actions and the earnings associated with those actions.

Other Mobile Action Metrics

This includes the number of mobile-related (non-install) actions and the earnings associated with those actions.


This metric shows the number of reversals per program in the chosen period.

CTR Metrics

This metric shows you your click-through rate per program during the chosen period.

Report data column reference




All data for this particular row was generated on this date.


The number of audience members that viewed content that day.


The total number of link clicks that took your audience to the brand's landing page on this date.


The total number of conversions (sales, app installs, etc.) tracked for a particular day. This number excludes any reversed conversions.

Select the number of actions to view an action listing for this row's date.

Sale Amount

This is the total amount of revenue you generated for the brand on this day.

Action Earnings

The amount of compensation paid to you for driving the traffic that resulted in conversions on this date.

Click Cost

The aggregated value of the amount due to you for driving clicks.

Total Earnings

See total compensation earned for traffic driven on this data. This is the total compensation you received from the brand for this day. (e.g., Action Earnings + Click Cost earnings + performance bonus).


This metric shows you your earnings per per conversion (sales, app installs, etc.) on this day.


See your total earnings per link click (EPC) per day.

Conversion Rate

The number of actions divided by the total number of clicks across your program on this day.


The average order value associated with this day.

AOV=Sale Amount divided by Actions.

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