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Performance by Social Platform for Creators

The Performance by Social Platform report shows you a wide range of tracking data broken down according to each social platform. KPIs, like likes, engagements, and more, can all be found here.

Access the report

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Reports → More Reports.

  2. From the Category filter next to the search bar, select Performance.

  3. Select Creator - Performance by Social Platform.

    • You can also pin the report to the top navigation bar by hovering over the row and selecting Pin.

  4. Below the report title, filter for the data you want to view. Select [Search] [Search] when you have your filters in place.

    • View the Filter reference table below for more information.

  5. Customize the report to view data in the trend graph, grid view, or comparison graph.

    The trend graph enables you to select a metric from a core group that drives the highest value. This view provides the selected metric’s daily trends over a specific date range.

    1. Select the drop-down in the upper-right corner, then, choose a specific metric.

    2. Alternate between the [Line graph] [Line], [Bar Graph] [Bar], and [Treemap] [Treemap] views by selecting the view icon.

Filter reference



Date Range

Filter data by when the metrics were created. You can also compare two periods of time against each other.

You can pull a maximum of 366 days of data. However, you can still perform Year-over-Year reporting by selecting [Unchecked box] [Unchecked box] compare to {Previous year}.

If you want to pull more than 366 days of data, you will need to create multiple reports.

Social Platform

Filter data by one or more social platforms.


Add data from a selection of data points. These data points will get added to the grid view after you select [Search] [Search].

Data points
  • Impressions: The number of audience members that viewed your content per social platform.

  • Engagements: The number of audience actions taken after seeing posted content. Actions can include reacting to the content, clicking a link, sharing the content, and more.

  • Reach: The total number of unique views that the post has.

Performance data reference table

Data point


Social Platform

The social platform for which you want to see performance data.


The campaign with which the social platform is associated.


The number of unique pieces of content posted by you per social platform.


The total number of link clicks that took your audience to the Brand's landing page for the social platform.


The total number of conversions (sales, app installs, etc.) tracked per social platform. This number excludes any reversed actions.

Sale Amount

The total sale amounts for your posts per social platform during the chosen months.

Action Earnings

The amount of compensation received for driving the traffic that resulted in conversions for a brand's campaign per social platform.

Total Earnings

Total earnings are the sum of your action earnings, CPC, and flat fee compensation per campaign.

Earnings Per Action

This metric shows you your earnings per action per social platform during the chosen date range.

Earnings Per Click

See your total earnings per click (EPC) for your posts per social platform during the chosen months.

Conversion Rate

View the Conversion Rate associated with the Social Platform. This rate is calculated as the number of Actions divided by the number of Clicks and represents the percentage of clicks that result in actions.


The average order value associated with a social platform.

AOV=Sale Amount divided by Actions.

Reversal Rate

View the reversal rate associated with the social platform.

The Reversal Rate is the number of reversals divided by the gross number of actions (including reversed actions).

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