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View Your Account’s Funding Requirements

The Finance Overview screen shows your funding account(s) with a breakdown of:

  • Current balance: The current balance of your funding account and the minimum deposit required by a specific date.

  • Transaction Summary: The balance of your funding account and the amounts you'll need to pay to stay appropriately funded given current transactions in the system through a 45-day window.

Note: If you have more than one funding account, it will be displayed as a separate widget.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Finance.

  2. On the Overview screen, view your required funding and transaction summary.

    Required funding reference



    You have overdue payments

    In the instance where you have overdue payments, the balance will reflect how much you need to fund and by when.

    Your payments are up to date

    In the instance where your payments are up to date, both your current balance and the minimum deposit amount by the required date will show up.

    Transaction summary reference



    Current Balance

    Your current funding account balance.

    Pending Deposit

    The total of any pending Automated Clearing House (ACH) payments that have not yet cleared.

    Note: These payments take 3–5 business days to process after initiating the deposit. fees - Past Due

    The total of outstanding fees.

    Select Fees to view a drill down of the invoice details with an Overdue status.

    Partner payments - Past Due

    Partner payments, including locked contract costs and processed Partner Funds Transfers that reached their scheduled clearing date but could not be settled due to insufficient funds in your funding account.

    Select Partner Payments to view a drill down of the Overdue Partners Payments invoice details.

    Pending fees

    The total of upcoming fees.

    Select Fees to view a drill down of the invoice details with a Not Due status.

    Pending Partner Payments

    The total upcoming partner payments. These payments include costs set to clear within the next 45 days, whether they're locked or not.

    Select Partner Payments to view a drill down of the Upcoming Partner Payments invoice details.

    Required Funding

    The total funds needed to cover all your pending and overdue payments.

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