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Custom Fields for Advocate Explained

You can use custom fields to send extra pieces of data about participants in your referral program. This information can be used in your program rules to determine when goals and actions are triggered. You can also segment your participants based on custom field values.

The types of custom fields you send are flexible. For example, you may want to include information about a participant's:

  • Birthday

  • Language

  • Location

  • Type of subscription

  • Membership status

Custom fields can be sent to when you upload a user import file or via UTT, API, SDK, or another integration method.

Field characteristics

Any custom fields you send need to meet a few requirements for field names and values.

  • Up to 64 characters.

  • Only alphanumeric characters, dashes, and underscores are accepted (letters must be unaccented).

  • Case sensitive, e.g., customFieldName is treated as distinct from customfieldname.

Send custom field information to

You can include custom fields whenever you create, update, or upsert users, regardless of the method by which you send the data.

You can include custom fields when importing new users or updating existing users in bulk. Refer to Import Advocate Participants in Bulk for instructions.

Below are two sample files that you can use to guide your import.

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