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Manage Optimize Channels

Optimize Channels will tell you more about the various channels you are tracking. These channels can provide insight into the path partner-driven traffic taken between their interaction with the partner and the action you are tracking. Data gathered by Optimize Channels will also help fill in your Channel Dashboard, which has information like Performance by Month or Sub-Channel, all aggregated by channel type.


The Channels feature is part of the Optimize add-on and requires you to pass the CustomerStatus and CustomerId parameters in your tracking. Contact support to discuss adding this to your account.

Access Optimize channels

This feature is only available with the Optimize add-on. Click here to get the add-on!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select optimize-icon__v4346847.svg [Optimize].

  2. In the left navigation bar, select Settings → Channels.

  3. To search for a specific channel, enter that channel's name under Channels.

    • Selecting search-solid.svg [Search] will not perform a regex search, so you do not have to worry about capitalization or using the channel's exact name.

  4. View the channel.

    • Refer to the Table reference for more information about the channel itself.

  5. From here, you have choices on what you can do.

    • Under Media, view the number of media sources associated with a particular channel. Select the number to view a drill down of the media sources.

    • Under Report, select signal-solid.svg [Reports] to view the Channel Dashboard for a specific channel. This is where you can view more data about the channel, like its Performance by Month.



If you want to enable new channels, disable old ones, or edit current ones, contact support.

Table reference

Table Column



The name of the channel for a specific row.


The number of media sources associated with a channel.

Select the number to view the Optimize media sources.

Credit Group

View the Credit Group associated with a specific channel.


Select signal-solid.svg [Reports] to view the Channel Dashboard for a specific channel.


Edit or enable a specific channel's tracking. Contact support if you want to do so.

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