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Last to Cart Credit Policy Explained

The Last to Cart policy is similar to the Last Click policy in that it determines which partner receives credit and payout for a conversion based on a customer’s actions. Instead of the last click a customer makes deciding the outcome, the last time a customer adds an item to their cart will determine the winning partner.

Under the Last to Cart policy, the partner that leads the customer to add the final item to their cart before checking out will usually receive 100% of the credit and all of the payout for the conversion. However, the amount of credit and payout might be affected by your participation bonus setup.

Example scenario

ACME Corporation has an online direct-to-consumer (DTC) paint store. Due to partner feedback, they want to change from the First Click policy to the Last to Cart policy. After discussing this with their Customer Success Manager (CSM), ACME Corporation decides to focus on when customers add items to their cart.

Despite this change, ACME Corporation’s conversion path does not change. Customers still add paint brushes after clicking on a home improvement blog’s banner ad, add tarps after clicking on a sponsored search result, and check out after clicking on a sponsored Instagram post. With the new policy, the partner responsible for the sponsored search result is now receiving all the conversions, as they lead customers to add the final item (the tarp) to their cart before checking out.


How do I request this credit policy? Reach out to your CSM (or contact support) to discuss enabling the Last to Cart credit policy. You'll want to share why you want to use this policy and if all your partners will be on Last to Cart (and if not, which policy should take priority in a journey if more than one policy is present).

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