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Withdrawal Details Report for Partners

The Withdrawal Details Report is your receipt from for withdrawing funds from your account, similar to a paystub. You can use this report to get more information about the earnings you’ve withdrawn from, as well as which of those earnings were invoiced or not. Learn how to withdraw your funds.

Access the report

  1. From the top navigation menu, select your wallet amount → Balance.

  2. In the filter bar, set the Transaction filter to Withdrawal.

  3. Select any withdrawal to see more information about it.

  4. Select the Paystub ID # or View withdrawal report to see the Withdrawal Details Report for that paystub.


View the report sections

The withdrawal details report consists of 3 sections: Summary, Invoiced Amounts, and Uninvoiced Amounts.

What are un-invoiced amounts? If earnings are paid by brands before they've been invoiced, and you withdraw these earnings in the meantime, they'll reflect as Uninvoiced until they are invoiced. This may occur if the brand pre-funds its account and executes an immediate partner fund transfer.


The Summary section displays a high-level breakdown of your withdrawal details.



Withdrawal date

The date the withdrawal was generated.

Important: The withdrawal date doesn't include the date the funds cleared your bank.

Withdrawal amount

The amount that was withdrawn.

Earnings withdrawn

The total action and other earnings (such as paid placements) by Program.

Select this amount to see further information about your earnings. See the Withdrawal Details report drilldown section below for more information.


The payment status of the withdrawal.

Payment details

A description of who got paid.

Invoiced Amounts

The invoiced amounts are all your withdrawn earnings that were already invoiced.



Invoice ID

The unique identification number of the invoice.

Invoice #

The invoice number.

Select the invoice number to view the invoice details. Refer to Understanding invoice details for more information.

Invoice date

The date on which the invoice was generated.

Invoice entity (Advertiser/Agency)

The brand or agency to which the invoice was issued.

Action earnings

The amount of compensation received for driving the traffic that resulted in conversions for the associated brand payment.

Other earnings

The amount of earnings related to non-tracked events and bonus payouts.


The tax fee associated with the withdrawal.

Total withdrawn

The total amount on the invoice that has been withdrawn.

Total withdrawal = Action earnings + Other earnings + Tax


Download a PDF version of the invoice.

Uninvoiced Amounts

The uninvoiced amounts are all your withdrawn earnings that haven't yet been invoiced.




The payment details:

  • Type of payment

  • Who made the payment

  • The reason for the payment (in some cases)

Action earnings

The amount of compensation received for driving traffic that resulted in conversions for the associated payment.

Other earnings

The amount of earnings related to non-tracked events and bonus payouts.

Total withdrawn

The total amount on the invoice that has been withdrawn.

Total withdrawn = Withdrawn action earnings + Withdrawn other earnings

View withdrawal details drilldown

You can access a more granular view of the withdrawal detail report by doing the following:

  1. In the Summary section of the Withdrawal Details report, select a linked amount in the Earnings Withdrawn column.

    • This will show you a breakdown of the action and other earnings by program.

  2. In the Action Earnings by Campaign section, select a linked amount in the Earnings column.

    • This will show you an action listing for the earnings in that program.

    • See the filter and column references below to better you understand the action listing.

    Action listing filter reference




    Select the Program for which you want to view action data.

    Paystub ID

    Enter the Paystub ID that contains information want to see. This will be automatically filled when you view the Withdrawal Details - Action Listing screen.

    Sub IDs

    Enter up to 3 Sub IDs for which you want to view action details. This filter is especially helpful if you use Sub IDs to manage your brand properties.

    Shared IDs

    Similar to Sub IDs, enter a Shared ID for which you want to view action details. This filter is especially helpful if you use Shared IDs to manage your brand or properties, customer IDs, articles, etc.

    Action listing column reference



    Paystub ID

    View the paystub ID to which the row of data belongs. This ID should be the same for all rows.

    Action ID

    View the action ID for a particular action. This number can be used in other reports to find more information about a particular action or to help brands find an action you believe has an error.

    Action Date

    View the date and time the action occurred.

    Modification Date

    View on which date the Brand modified an action you drove.

    For example, an order with multiple items may contain items that are not eligible for payout according to your contract. So, instead of getting X% of $100, for example, you would get X% of $45.

    If this cell is empty, no modifications were made to the action.

    Locking Date

    View the locking date for an action. This is the date after which the brand cannot make any more modifications to the action.

    Learn more about the action life cycle.

    Clearing Date

    View the date that an action became eligible for payout. This date follows the brand's payment scheduling period.


    Similar to the Action IDs, this is a number generated to represent the action. This number can be used in other reports to find more information about the action.

    Learn more about the advanced action listing report.

    Advertiser ID

    This is's unique identifier for your partnered brand.


    This is the name the brand supplied when they joined the platform.

    Campaign ID

    This is's unique identifier for the Program your partnered brand runs.


    Now known as a Program, this is the name of the program your partnered brand runs.

    Action Tracker ID

    Now known as Event Types, view the unique identifier has generated for the event type that tracked this action associated with your contract with your partnered brand.

    Action Tracker

    View the kind of event type that tracked this action your contract uses, like Online Sale/CPA.

    Sub IDs

    View the Sub IDs you pass to These IDs are separate from the event type, and can also be passed to your partnered brand.

    Shared ID

    View the Shared ID you pass to These IDs are separate from the event type, and can also be passed to your partnered brand.

    Sale Amount

    View the amount of money a member of your audience paid the brand.


    This represents the percentage of the sale amount you earned from generating the action.

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