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Template Terms Rules

Contract Rules can be used to establish unified rules across all of the template terms created in your Advertiser account. When a rule is enabled, every new template term created in your account will inherit that rule.

Manage Template Terms Rules

  1. From the left navigation menu, select ellipsis-v-solid.svg [Menu] → Settings.

  2. In the General section, select Template Term Rules.


Template Terms rules

To edit a setting, select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit] on the right side of it, make your changes, then select Save.

Rule enforcement

Application of the rules

Enabling this setting will make it so that other template terms do not deviate from these rules (only enforced when creating or modifying a template term)

Restrict modification of template terms

Enabling this setting to further restrict the modification of selected template terms to only those with the Template Terms Administrator account permission. After toggling this rule on, begin typing the name of the template term for which you want to restrict modification, then select it from the drop-down menu that appears.

Template term

Refer to our creating Template Terms help article for more help with template term settings.

Change notification period

Standardizes the default amount of time in days that partners are notified before contract changes go into effect. Select the checkbox to allow account users to change this setting on a per-contract basis. If selected, you can select the second checkbox to set a maximum number of days that account users can use.

Action locking

Use the fields and dropdowns to set your action locking period for all contracts. This setting is very important, and is tied to your account funding!

Payment Scheduling

Use the fields and dropdowns to set your payout scheduling period, which is when partners will receive their payouts from your account wallet. This setting is very important, and is tied to your account funding!

Click Referral Window

This sets the window of time that a partner can still receive credit for an action.

For example, if a partner drove a click to your web store and the customer doesn't purchase anything yet, the referral window starts. If the customer returns to your site within the referral window and purchases something (i.e., completes an action or "converts"), the partner will receive credit for driving that action.

View Through Tracking

If you're still using this legacy feature, you can configure the window of time that a partner can receive credit, or disable it globally.


This is the default payout applied to all template terms if no payout groups, adjustments, restrictions, or performance bonuses apply to the action:

Percentage payout per order or per item sale amount pays the partner a percentage of the sale—either of the whole order, or on a per-item basis.

Fixed payout per order or per item pays the partner a fixed payout for the order amount or for the item(s) in an action.

This is the payout that partners will see at the top of your template term.

Placement Fees

If you're setting placement fees in your template terms, you can set a global maximum for all template terms here.

Minimum EPC Guarantee

If you're using a CPC Event Type and setting a minimum EPC Guarantee for partners, you can set a global value for all template terms here.

Reversal Policy

If you decide to reverse an action, this setting determines how much of the payout you can receive.'s recommended default is Advertiser Returns 100% max monthly returns, so you can recover 100% of your payout in the event of an order return, cancellation, or fraud.

Partner Custom Terms

Choose whether to globally allow or disallow partners to propose their own custom terms onto your proposed template terms.

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