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Send Ads to Your Partners

You can send ads to your partners for use in their promotional efforts. This is useful if you need to send a partner new seasonal ads, if the partner needs to immediately start promoting your brand, or if the partner needs some help jumpstarting their program, etc.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select engage-icon__v69b8313.svg [Engage] → Content → Ads.

  2. Hover over the ad you want to send and select Share.

    • If the Share option doesn't appear, your ad may not be Active. See the Left filter reference below for more information on ad statuses.

  3. In the Partner field, enter partner names, IDs, or groups to which you want to send this ad.

    • Optionally, input the email addresses of specific users who should receive this ad to notify them via email.

    • Alternatively, type the word All and select square-regular.svg [Unchecked box] All Media Partners.

  4. In the Protocol field, select https:// if it is not already selected.

  5. Optionally, add a comment.

    • If you choose to do so, you can send the message in multiple languages by selecting toggle-on-solid.svg [Toggle on] Support Multi-Language, then selecting the language. A partner would then only receive the comment in the language that matches their account's preferred language.

  6. If you want to add any advanced settings, select Show advanced settings.

  7. Select Send Ads.


Important: Do not add impression tags to your ad. This is a legacy feature that's no longer supported.

Left filter reference

For more information on the filters in the top navigation bar, see Introduction to Ad Types.




Filter for ads with a specific label. Select multiple labels to see all ads associated with the selected labels. You can add a new label when creating an ad, under Ad Details.


Filter for ads with a specific status:

  • Active - Ads that are visible and accessible to partners. You can Update or Share these ads at any time.

  • Pending - Ads that have been saved as drafts but not shared with partners yet.

  • Expired - Ads that have passed their end date. These ads aren't visible in the partner UI, but they can continue to generate payouts unless you redirect traffic or block access. To Update or Share these ads, first Reactivate them.

  • Fallback - Ads that have a replacement ad configured as fallback after expiration. For more information, see Schedule Start & End Dates for Ads.

Last Updated

Filter for ads that have been last edited within a certain timeframe. The following options are available:

  • All

  • Last day

  • Last 7 days

  • Last 30 days

  • More than 30 days


Filter for ads that have a specific deal associated with them. You can add a new deal when creating an ad, under Ad Details.

Actions reference

Select 1 or more ads by checking the square-regular.svg [Unchecked box] in its upper-left corner to see the following options:



Apply Deal

Use the drop-down to select the deal that should apply to selected ads. You can add a new deal when creating an ad, under Ad Details. Only 1 deal is allowed per ad.

Send Ads

Enter a partner Name, ID or partner Group name to share selected ads with those partners. Optionally, accompany the action with a comment for partners.

More actions

More actions include:

  • Expire - Disable all partners from generating further payouts from the selected ads.

  • Reactivate - Make expired ads active again, i.e., allow partners who have access to the ads to generate payouts from them once more.

  • Delete Ads - Archive selected ads.

  • Publish - Set the selected ads' statuses as Active.

  • Download - Download the selected ads' details to your device in .csv format.

  • Change active dates - Update the timeframe for which the selected ads should remain active.

  • Change landing page - Update the URL to which the ad redirects customers.

tag-solid.svg [Label]

Select all labels you'd like to apply to selected ads. You can also Manage labels here, i.e., edit, delete, or create new labels.

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