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Create & Update Ads

Ads are advertising content with an associated tracking code. Any ads you upload to will have automatically generated tracking codes for your partners so that when they use them, actions are tracked and reported in also offers a lot of flexibility and customization for your ads — learn about Flexi ads. For a full list of ads offered, see Introduction to Ad Types.

Common ad types

Many brands on use a mix of standard ads for partners, such as:

  • Image ads — these are static or animated images that partners can place on their media properties (such as alongside their website or blog) that will send their audience to your landing page.

  • Text Links — these are links that partners can place anywhere on their media properties that can send their audience to your landing page, or if deep linking is enabled, to specific pages on your website.

  • Coupons — these are text link ads tied to one of your deals, and are an efficient method to share deals with multiple or all of your partners.

Create ads

The instructions below are the basic steps for creating a new ad.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Ads.

  2. In the upper right of the main ads screen, select Create Ad.

  3. Use the dropdown to select the type of ad you want to create.

  4. On the Create <Ad Type> screen, use the fields and controls to configure your new ad.

  5. When you’re done, select Save to save and create your new ad.


Update ads

Ads can be updated with new creative, a new landing page, labels, and more. The ad updates will be instantly available to partners who have access to them.

  1. From the left navigation menu, select Content → Ads.

  2. On the main ads screen, find the ad you want to update, hover your cursor over the ad, and select Update.

    • Use the top and left filter panels to filter ads by type, label, status, name, and ID.

  3. On the Ad Details screen, select pencil-alt-solid.svg [Edit] next to the fields you want to update.

  4. Once you’ve updated a field, select Save.

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