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Download a Brand Asset

From the Assets screen, you can download CSV files for a variety of brand assets, such as EmailImage, and Text Link assets, or you can download the raw versions for Image and Video assets. For more information, you can learn how to manage these assets.

Download an asset's CSV file

  1. From the top navigation bar, select Content → [Drop-down menu] [Drop-down menu]Assets.

  2. Use the top filter bar to view a specific Asset type (e.g., Images).

    • Optionally, use the [Search] [Search bar] to find by an asset name, label, or ID.

  3. Hover over the asset you want to download, then select [Unchecked box] [Unchecked Box] → [Download] [CSV].

    • Optionally, if you want to bulk download assets, below the top filter bar, select Select All → [Download] [CSV].

Download an image or video asset

From the Assets screen, you can download a raw version of an image or video asset.

  1. In the top-right corner, select [List View] [List View].

  2. From the top filter bar, select Images or Videos.

  3. Hover over the asset you want to download, then select [Download] [Download].

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