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Block Partners From Re-applying to Your Program

When rejecting an application from a partner who has not joined your program, you will have the option to block that partner from being able to re-apply to join your program in future. Blocked partners can not drive traffic for your program going forward. Even if the partner is manually added to your program at a future date.

Block partners from re-applying to your program

Important: Once a partner has been blocked, you won't be able to remove them from the blocked list. To remove a partner from the blocked list, you will need to contact support.

  1. In the left navigation bar, select Partners → Applications.

  2. Find the partner you want to reject and select ellipsis-h-solid__1_.svg [Menu] → Reject.

  3. A pop-up window will appear. Once you've selected the rejection reason, you can block the partner from further reapplying to any of your programs.

  4. Once you select Reject, the partner application will be rejected and the partner will form part of your rejected partner list.

View the Blocked Partners Report

This report provides a list of all the partners you have blocked from being able to further apply to your programs.

  1. From the left navigation bar, select Reports → More Reports.

  2. Scroll down and find Blocked Partners, then select View.

    • Alternatively, type Blocked Partners in the search bar and press enter.

  3. You can filter by specific partners or all partners and select search-solid.svg [Search] to view the results.

  4. You can also choose the columns you want visible in the report by selecting columns-solid__1_.svg [Columns].

    • View the column reference below for more details.

Column reference



Date Added

The date on which the partner got blocked.

Added By

The user that initiated the rejection and block status.

Partner Id

The partner's unique identifier.


The name of the partner that got blocked.


The partner's link to their website.

Company Phone

The partner's business contact number.

Address 1

The street address of the partner.

Address 2

The street address of the partner.

Address 3

The street address of the partner.


The city in which the partner is located.


The state or province in which the partner is located.


The country in which the partner is loccated.

Postal Code

The postal code relevant to the city or area provided in the city/state fields.

Contact Name

The name of the contact person for that partner account.


The partner's email address.


The business contact number.


The partner's mobile number.

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