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Tracking with Universal Tracking Tag (UTT)

Placing the Universal Tracking Tag (UTT) in the head section of every page on your site is strongly recommended for most implementations. When deployed universally across your site, the UTT will provide the most comprehensive tracking information about the consumer journey, direct traffic, and conversion paths. The UTT uses first-party cookie tracking technology to build more accurate conversion paths and enhance's other cookie-less tracking methodologies, and well as expand the levels of data that can be received and displayed in reporting.

If you are not currently using the UTT and are interested in switching over, we recommend that you contact support so we can guide you through the migration process.

Deprecating third-party cookies

With third-party cookies being phased out in 2023, the UTT sets cookies in a first-party context, so it will remain unaffected by this phase-out. The most popular browsers, such as Chrome, Safari, and Firefox, still support the UTT in its default configurations.

Learn more

For additional reading on this change, see these articles:

UTT Configuration

For the most accurate tracking, you must place the UTT, in the head section of every page on your site. The identify function should then be placed in the body section of every page on your site so that it is invoked after the UTT. The Conversion Pixel, also known as the trackConversion function, should be placed in the body section of the Confirmation or Thank You page.

Note: Direct Tracking and Advanced Crediting Rules are not applicable to Standard edition accounts. Contact support if you are interested in either of these features.

UTT Example

<script type="text/javascript"> (function(a,b,c,d,e,f,g) {e['ire_o']=c;e[c]= e[c]||function(){(e[c].a=e[c].a||[]).push(arguments)}; f=d.createElement(b); g=d.getElementsByTagName(b)[0];f.async=1; f.src=a;g.parentNode.insertBefore(f,g);}) ('//', 'script','ire',document,window); </script>

Note: The UTT is account specific. To get the UTT for your account, refer to your technical implementation plan or contact support.

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