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Forensiq Product Suites Overview

Forensiq offers four product suites in the display advertising and performance marketing industries. This article describes the features and typical customers of each suite.

Display advertising

The display advertising market refers to impression-based advertising that's programmatically sold at a CPM level for branded campaigns—such as banner ads, rich media, native ads, and video. Forensiq offers the Verification suite and the Firewall suite for customers in this market.

Verification suite

The verification suite is a post-bid monitoring solution comprised of three main components:

  1. Traffic quality—this feature detects bots and reports on non-human traffic based on general invalid traffic (GIVT) and sophisticated invalid traffic (SIVT).

  2. Viewability—reports on whether or not the ad was viewed by human users.

  3. Placement verification—detects instances of domain and/or app obfuscation.

This suite is typically integrated via a JavaScript tag or an image pixel placed within the ad unit or IFrame.

Most common clients of the verification suite are virtually anyone involved in programmatic advertising—include supply-side partners, ad networks, ad exchanges, SSPs (supply-side platforms), DSPs (demand-side platforms), agencies, and brands.

Firewall suite

The firewall suite is a pre-bid blocking solution that clients can use to block fraudulent ad requests in real-time based on information gleaned from the ad request.

This suite is integrated via the Pre-bid API—a server-to-server call is made to Forensiq which can automatically block ad fraud in real time based on the fraud score return response. Clients can configure their acceptable fraud score range in the Forensiq UI.

Most common clients of the firewall suite are supply-side partners, ad networks, ad exchanges, SSPs (supply-side platforms), and DSPs (demand-side platforms). The firewall suite can also be offered directly to agencies and brands that buy through DSPs that Forensiq is integrated with.

Performance marketing

The performance marketing market refers to outcome-based marketing where advertisers only pay for media when a specific outcome occurs, such as CPS (cost-per-sale), CPL (cost-per-lead), and CPI (cost-per-install). Forensiq offers the Install suite and Performance suite for customers in this market.

Install suite

A CPI fraud solution that detects two forms of fraud in the cost-per-install industry:

  1. Fake installs—illegitimate installs manufactured by bots through emulation, or in human click farms.

  2. Attribution fraud—real installs that fraudulent affiliates steal credit for.

The install suite is integrated through API Postback at both the click and the install event. Most clients integrate via their MMP (mobile measurement platform).

Typical clients of this suite are affiliates and affiliate networks on the supply-side, along with agencies and brands on the demand-side. The main limiting factor is the level of integration that Forensiq has with a client's MMP.

Performance suite

A holistic performance solution that protects CPL and CPA campaigns from the main source of fraud that targets them:

  • Fake conversions—typically illegitimate lead submissions with fake and/or recycled information, submitted by fraudsters obfuscating their identities through proxies and other tactics.

The performance suite is integrated as an API Postback via ping tree or a JavaScript tag placed on the landing (or conversion) page.

Typical clients of this suite are affiliates, affiliate networks, and aggregators on the supply side, along with agencies and brands on the demand side. This suite is also commonly used by existing clients looking to protect themselves from ad fraud.

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