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Partner Recruitment 101 - Part 1: Why & Who?

In this guide, we’ll teach you the benefits of partner recruitment, what kinds of partnership opportunities are out there, and how you can recruit partners using's powerful discovery tools.

Why recruit partners?

Recruitment is a vital component of any successful partnership program. Bringing in new partners can increase your program revenue, speak to your target audience at key moments in the customer journey, and reduce concentration risk.

Increase revenue

Recruiting partners is one of the most effective ways to increase your partnership program revenue. The more productive partnerships you have, the more revenue your program will drive.

Cover the entire customer journey

You can expand the value and reach of your partnership program by recruiting partners whose target audiences cover all of the various segments of your customer’s journey. Today’s partnerships encompass the entire customer journey, which allows you to use partnerships to build awareness, drive interest, and close sales.

For example, content and social influencer partners typically provide value toward the beginning of the customer journey - this helps build awareness and drive interest. Traditional coupon and loyalty partners, on the other hand, generally help you close the sale toward the end of the customer journey.

Reduce concentration risk

Many partnership programs are unfortunate examples of the 80/20 rule in action. Roughly 80% of program revenue is driven by only the top 20% of partners. If even one of the partners performing in the top 20% of your program stops driving traffic, your revenue goals could be threatened. Mature partnership programs mitigate this risk by diversifying their partner mix and limiting their dependency on just a few top partners.

What types of partners are there?

Diversifying your partner mix helps you reach and engage with different consumer audiences. The list below outlines a few popular partner types that could help you build a sucessful program.

Traditional affiliate partners

Traditional affiliates predominantly focus on cashback, loyalty, deal, and coupon promotional methods. These partners are a great place to start if you’re new to partnerships since most affiliate partners understand exactly how partnerships work and don’t take much time to get up and running.

Social media influencers

Influencers use social platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube to promote your brand. They help grow brand awareness, educate customers, and improve consumer trust.

Content Creators

Content partners, such as bloggers, create authentic, native, and integrated content like gift lists, how-to guides, new product reviews, and comparison shopping guides. Content partners are great at both driving interest and creating new consumer demand for your products.

Mobile apps

Do you have an app? Studies show that users are 3x more likely to convert while in an app and average order values (AOVs) are 140% higher than mobile web. Recruiting app-based partners helps drive traffic directly to your app, improving the customer’s experience and leading to increased conversions.

Strategic B2B partnerships

These mutually beneficial partnerships leverage equivalent or complementary industries, as well as and customer needs to increase sales, customer engagement, and mindshare for all brands involved.

Examples include airline and hotel rewards programs, synergistic loyalty programs, and experience enhancements like the availability of Spotify in Uber and Lyft rides. Although B2B partnerships usually take some legwork to get off the ground, they can provide you with significant opportunities for revenue growth.

See our Guide to Partner Types for a more in-depth list of partner types and examples.

Want to know how you can recruit partners in Check out part 2 of our Partner Recruitment 101 guide.

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