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Attribution Risk Reversals Report

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If a partner engages in fraudulent activity, you can reverse payments associated with actions flagged for attribution risk. Use the Attribution Risk Reversals report to get the Order Id (OID) for flagged actions. Then follow your standard reversal workflows, indicating the reason for the reversal as Partner activity dispute.

Access the Attribution Risk Reversals report

This feature is only accessible to specific editions or add-ons. Contact us to upgrade your account and get access!
  1. From the left navigation bar, select [Protect] → Attribution Risk → Reversals.

  2. Filter the report data by using the filters under Attribution Risk Reversals.

    • See the Filter reference below for more information on them.

  3. Select [Search].

    • For more information on the report table data, see the Report data reference below.

  4. Optionally, you can email, schedule, or download the summary using the buttons at the top-right of the report.

Filter reference



Date range

The date range narrows the report to only show data from a specified range. The maximum range is up to 90 days.

Link Key

Use this field to isolate events associated with one or more link keys (you can comma separate multiple values). The Link Keys you specify here should all have the same Link Type..

E.g., O123456, O789012, O3456789

Link Type

The Link Key becomes the Link Type specified. There are three link types:

  • Order ID—the Link Key becomes the Order ID of the action.

  • Customer ID—the Link Key becomes the Customer ID passed. E.g., a device id in the case of mobile in-app.

  • Probabilistic—the Link Key consists of the IP Address, User Agent and Date.

  • None (Action ID)—no actual linking happens, but can be used if you don’t need event linking and want to use the report just as a payment scrub report.

The link key is used for linking actions in the report.

Event Type

Filter by event type to view only certain events.


Filter results by order status.

Cost >=

Filter results by commission paid.

Order ID

A unique identifier for the order. Use this to find a specific order.


Filter by specific partners.

Source Action Threshold

The minimum number of actions flagged for attribution risk from a single source required before recommends the order be scrubbed.

Source Risk Threshold

The minimum Attribution Risk score an order must have before recommends the order be scrubbed.

Scrub Recommendation

You can filter if you want to see orders that should be scrubbed or not scrubbed.


You can choose whether you want to exclude actions linked to reversed actions in the table data or not with this option.

Report data reference



Link Key

The Link Key becomes the Link Type specified. There are three link types:

  • Order ID—the Link Key becomes the Order ID of the action.

  • Customer ID—the Link Key becomes the Customer ID passed. E.g., a device id in the case of mobile in-app.

  • Probabilistic—the Link Key consists of the IP Address, User Agent, and Date.

  • None (Action ID)—no actual linking happens, but can be used if you don’t need event linking and want to use the report just as a payment scrub report.

The link key is used for linking actions in the report.

Action Date

The date and time the action was generated.

Linked Action Date

The date and time the linked action was generated.

Action ID

A unique identifier of the action.

Linked Action ID

A unique identifier of the linked action.


The order ID associated with the action.

Reason Codes

The reason code generated by this flagged action. Read more about reason codes and their descriptions.


The status of the order.

Sale Amount

The sale amount.


The Stock Keeping Unit identifier for the item.


The commission paid for the conversion including performance bonuses.

Original Cost

The initial commission paid for the conversion.

Reversal Reason

The reason why you reversed the order. This will only be shown on reversed orders.

Reversal Reasons

The reasons why you reversed the order. This will only be shown on reversed orders with multiple reasons stated.

Promo Code

The promo code associated with the order (if one exists).


Name of the partner associated with the data.

Partner ID

Unique identifier (assigned by of the partner associated with the data.

Shared ID

The Shared Id used by the partner to identify their traffic.

Action Tracker ID

The ID of the event type (formerly known as an action tracker) that tracked the order.

Linked Action Tracker ID

The ID of the event type (formerly known as an action tracker) that tracked the linked order.

Event Type

The name of the event type that tracked the order.

Linked Event Type

The name of the event type that tracked the linked order.

Attribution Risk

Is this action flagged for attribution risk?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Forced Click

Is this action flagged for Forced Click?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Injected Click

Is this action flagged for Injected Click?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Click Velocity

Is this action flagged for Click Velocity?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Long CTA

Is this action flagged for Long CTA?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Low Intent.

Is this action flagged for a low conversion rate?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Image Click

Is this action flagged for Image Click?

If yes, then this will be 1. If no, then this will be 0.

Source Total

The number of orders tracked with attribution risk from this source.

Source Attribution Risk Ratio

The percentage of orders from this source that were flagged with attribution risk.

Source Start Date

The start date and time that started capturing this data.

Source End Date

The closing date and time that completed capturing this data.

Scrub Recommendation

If this column contains a  1 , recommends scrubbing this payment.

This can include non-payable actions. You can set the Cost >= filter to be >= 1 to show only payable actions.


This field is used for automated return processing. The amount field will be set to  0  if recommends you scrub the payment. Otherwise, this field will be set to the original sale amount.


This field is used for automated return processing and is automatically set to OTHER.

For further information on how to utilize this report, view the Automatically Reverse Actions Identified by Attribution Risk article.

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